Starting Meteor Like anything else new, using Meteor for the first time took some getting used to. There is an adjustment period where everything is both new and confusing. Without earlier experience with something similar it’s very hard to get...
Group Work During my ICS314 class, we were assigned to do a group project with 3 other students, using Github to share files and slack to talk in person. During my other group projects in non-ics classes, we typically used...
WOD During my ICS314 class, we were assigned WODs or Work Out of the Day, which is a timed programing assignment that tested our understanding and knowledge of the material. The way WODs had everyone start at the same time...
Github Throughout my academic career, I have used Github quite frequently to share and collaborate on projects. File sharing with multiple people is a very necessary thing, and Github has been very useful for that. When I first started, it...