Group Collaboration

22 Sep 2016

Group Work

During my ICS314 class, we were assigned to do a group project with 3 other students, using Github to share files and slack to talk in person. During my other group projects in non-ics classes, we typically used Google docs since those projects required only a single word document, but here github was much better. One thing that held back our teamwork during the project was not knowing exactly what was changed in the Github commits. Even though there are comments and descriptions for each thing, figuring out exactly what was changed took time when trying to add more things.

For the future

In the future I know that communicating everything with everyone is important to get things done the quickest, and I feel that my fear of being too demanding to ask what exactly changed was partly to blame. I hope to improve my teamwork skills in future group work by creating an atmosphere where anyone, including me can feel comfortable asking anything without being awkward. That type of social skill can be hard to do, and sometimes it can be impossible but now I know what can be changed, so I can improve myself for the future.