WOD reflection

01 Sep 2016


During my ICS314 class, we were assigned WODs or Work Out of the Day, which is a timed programing assignment that tested our understanding and knowledge of the material. The way WODs had everyone start at the same time in class, but we were to leave when we finished. Our grade was judged upon how long we took, and if it turned out correct. It put us under timed pressure to do things quickly but correctly and since everyone who finished had to wait outside, we could see when others were faster or slower than the rest of us.


The thing I liked most about the WODs wasn’t the timed grading, or the competitiveness of seeing who was fasted, but the satisfaction I had walking out of the room after I was done. It was horrible being one of the last people who finished or even running out of time, and that fear to not be the last person, motivated me to fully grasp what I was learning to avoid that fate. Other grading methods like tests, or quiz didn’t really have that feel, since you couldn’t really see when everyone else finished and WODs brought a competitive social feel to the classroom, even though all the work was by yourself.