
20 Oct 2016

Starting Meteor

Like anything else new, using Meteor for the first time took some getting used to. There is an adjustment period where everything is both new and confusing. Without earlier experience with something similar it’s very hard to get anything done effectively or quickly. There was a steep learning curve to first get anything done, but after a few weeks of using meteor rigorously, I feel like I’ve gotten the hang of it.


I haven’t thought of it much while I was using Meteor, but it really does make things faster. Everything to make an application work is all in one place. No need to work on the front-end design on one program and leave back-end on another, everything is all in one place if you know what to do with it. Meteor itself has a lot of helpful guides and libraries to help any problem and even though I havn’t had first hand experience creating an application from scratch, I can tell Meteor helps a lot if you’re willing to put in the time and learn it.